IBS Budapest

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Cost of living in Hungary

The currency of Hungary is Forint (HUF). IBS estimates that the monthly budget of students requires about 240,000 HUF ~ approx. 600 euros but of course, it depends on individual spending habits.

This sum covers accommodation, utilities, city transportation, meals, and personal expenses.

The following price list should give you an idea of how to plan your budget (prices are in HUF) (click here to see the actual currency exchange rate):

Product average price approx.:

  • 1 kg of bread: HUF 500 - 700
  • 1 kg of sugar: HUF 350 - 450
  • 1-litre milk: HUF 400 - 500
  • 100 g cheese: HUF 500 - 600
  • Average restaurant main dish: HUF 2,500 - 3,500
  • Hamburger: HUF 1,500 - 2,500
  • One scope ice cream: HUF 500 - 600
  • Soft drink 0,5 l: HUF 400 - 600
  • Movie theatre ticket: HUF 2500 - 3500
  • Entry fee for clubs and discos: HUF 2,000 - 3,000
  • Single Metro/bus/tram ticket: HUF 450
  • Swimming pool entry: HUF 2,000 - 2,500
  • 1-litre petrol: HUF 600-800