Prominent people of Hungarian origin who had a positive impact on the world can be found everywhere on the planet, among them 13 Nobel Prize winners.
Let us mention just a few:
- Béla BARTÓK (composer)
- Zoltán KODÁLY, (composer)
- Franz LISZT (composer)
- Albert SZENT-GYÖRGYI (scientist, vitamin C)
- József László BIRÓ (inventor of the ballpoint pen)
- János NEUMANN (inventor of computer)
- János IRINYI (inventor of match)
- Pál ERDŐS (mathematician)
- Péter ESTERHÁZY (writer)
- Imre KERTÉSZ (writer)
- Attila JÓZSEF (poet)
- Ferenc PUSKÁS (football player)
- Ernő RUBIK (inventor of the Rubik's cube)
- Victor VASARELY (artist)
- Joseph PULITZER (journalist)
- Robert CAPA (photographer)
- Paul NEWMAN (actor)
- Tony CURTIS (actor)
- Andrew VAJNA (producer)
- Lajos KOLTAI (film director)
- István SZABÓ (film director)
- Tamás DARNYI (swimmer, olympicon)
- Krisztina EGERSZEGI (swimmer, olympicon)
- László PAPP (boxer)
- Péter LÉKÓ (chess player)
- POLGÁR sisters (chess players)