Located in the Heart of Europe, Austria - a Schengen state - is a small country with a population of 8,4 million that has great treasures to offer any visitor.
General Information on Austria
Austria is a federal republic state with a parliamentary democracy, consisting of 9 independent federal regions...
Top attractions in Austria
Austria is a country rich with history, beautiful places, traditions and activities that are distinct to the area.
Climate in Austria
Austria has a temperate continental climate.
Cost of living in Austria
Austria is the 12th richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita, has a well-developed social market economy and a high standard of living.
Famous Austrians
Prominent people of Austrian origin who had a positive impact on the world can be found everywhere on the planet, let us mention just a few.
National holidays in Austria
On national holidays in Austria all shops, banks and public services are closed, restaurants are usually open.