IBS Budapest

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What to do in an emergency

General emergency service: 112
(English speaking operators guaranteed)

• Ambulance (mentő): 104 
  or 1 350-0388  from a landline
• Police (rendőrség): 107
• Fire Brigade (tűzoltóság): 105

The operator should speak English at the emergency numbers listed above. If not, dial 112.

For non-emergency (but still urgent) medical care, see your options:

  • If you have a valid insurance (e. g. Generali Studium), contact them through the appropriate channels.
  • If you have a valid TAJ card, you can look for the doctor(s) on call (ügyelet in Hungarian) based on your address. There is usually one centre per district.

You can find a database of pharmacies and their opening hours here.