IBS Budapest

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If you would like to gain a general understanding of the key concepts in business and management, allowing for further specialisation in the future and including the option to study abroad, then this study programme is for you.

The 7-semester programme consists of 4 semesters at International Business School in Budapest, Hungary followed by semester 5 and 6 at Dublin Business School in Dublin, Ireland.
Semester 7 is compulsory work placement. Qualifying students receive the degrees of both institutions.

Our partner, Dublin Business School, assists international students with accommodation search and has its own database featuring only verified property owners.

You can find detailed information and estimated prices here.

The monthly expenses, excluding accommodation, are approximately EUR 1000/person in Ireland. You can find details here.

General info

September 2024 September 2025
Duration of programme 7 semesters 7 semesters
Starting date September September
Tuition fee per semester
(no tuition fee for semester 7)
€ 3,700 € 4,000
Tuition fee for the full programme € 22,200 € 24,000
One-off registration fee for non-EU citizens € 900 € 900
Degree awarded by IBS and Dublin Business School* IBS and Dublin Business School*
Work placement (compulsory in semester 7) Yes Yes
Study abroad available (in semester 3 and/or 4) Yes Yes
Campus Budapest (Hungary) and Dublin (Ireland) Budapest (Hungary) and Dublin (Ireland)
Admission criteria For Hungarian citizens**:
• Secondary school leaving certificate

For international applicants:
• Secondary school leaving certificate
• IELTS 6.0 or equivalent***
For Hungarian citizens**:
• Secondary school leaving certificate For international applicants:• Secondary school leaving certificateAND• IELTS 6.0 or equivalent***
Language of tuition English English

*Optional, however, only students who complete semester 5 and 6 at Dublin Business School will receive the degree of DBS.

**For the successful completion of the programme, minimum B2-level knowledge of English is required. If you are unsure, you can test your English language skills here.

*** i.e.: TOEFL 72, GCSE English, Duolingo 105 etc. Please find further details here

Application site

Programme Content

Graduates of this double Hungarian and Irish degree programme will become generalists, prepared for management positions in companies or other organizations. You will be responsible for planning, organising, managing, and analysing business processes – in your chosen field of specialisation. The organizations you may work for can also be very diverse: in addition to multinational corporations and SMEs, graduates with the skills offered by this programme are also sought after in public administration (municipalities, ministries, schools) and in not-for-profit organizations (foundations, associations).

This bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management also provides the knowledge and develops the skills needed to set up and run your own business. In addition to providing a solid foundation in economic theory, the programme is highly practice-oriented. A very important criterion in the selection of our prestigious faculty is that they have real-life business experience. The seminars are always interactive, where tasks, assignments, and discussions prepare students for thinking and working both individually and together in teams.

The knowledge of professional English business language enables graduates to succeed in the business world. This can be further enhanced by a two-semester study at Dublin Business School in Ireland where you can acquire an Irish BSc (Hons.) in Business degree in addition to your Hungarian BSc degree in Business Administration and Management (gazdálkodási és menedzsment alapképzés) awarded by IBS.

You can also opt to take part in the Erasmus+ programme while studying at IBS.

Upon completing the programme, students will be eligible for exemptions from the following Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) modules:

  • Business and Technology
  • Financial Accounting
  • Corporate and Business Law

These exemptions recognize students' prior learning and align with ACCA’s globally recognized qualifications, which equip professionals with the skills needed for a successful career in accounting and finance.

Skills and Competences

Business and academic communication skills, such as presentation, argumentation, and negotiation skills, use of IT tools, quantitative skills, effective adaptation to environmental changes, and teamwork skills are some of the most important skills students will develop during the programme.


Please find the curriculum here.*

* IBS reserves the right to change the curriculum.

Programme Specification

Please find the programme specification here.

Degree Sample

Please find the degree sample here.

Career Opportunities

Through this programme you will have insights into a wide array of of issues and areas ranging from finance, marketing, HR, organisational behaviour to operations and project management. As a result, you will be able to make a positive contribution in a range of settings. You are as likely to find yourself working in a small, privately-owned company as in a large multinational corporation, the public sector, or perhaps even starting your own business.