IBS Budapest

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We offer PhD programmes in English, all leading to a  degree conferred by our British partner, The University of Buckingham. These are research degrees which require an original contribution to a body of knowledge in a particular academic or professional discipline.

The uniqueness of our PhD degree programme:

  • Work on your chosen research topic from day one for a UK degree for a significantly lower tuition fee.
  • Personalised approach: Our PhD students are supervised by two academic experts in their field of research, who provide monthly individual consultations.
  • Research Workshops: Our PhD programme offers bi-monthly research workshops, where PhD students are advised on all the necessary steps in the process of completing a thesis: writing a research proposal, data collection and analysis, thesis structure and writing. Students are encouraged to share their own work and receive comments from both their peers and qualified professionals, thus fostering a supportive academic community. 
  • Teaching Opportunities: We offer Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) opportunities to our students, which both help with costs and provide hands-on teaching experience, essential for a successful academic career.
  • Diversity: Current PhD students come from 7 different countries on 3 different continents.
  • Attractive location: we are based in Budapest, which offers stunning scenery, vibrant culture and nightlife and some of the lowest rental costs in Europe.

To better reflect on the research interest of our PhD applicants, IBS offers a doctoral programme in two disciplines:

  • PhD in Business and Management
  • PhD in International Affairs

The PhD is an advanced research degree during which students undertake supervised but independent research that leads to a thesis of no more than 100,000 words, presenting the findings of said research. The thesis must demonstrate extended familiarity with and a comprehensive understanding of the subject and the academic literature in the area. It must also prove an ability to construct and execute a plan for primary research, including data collection and its critical analysis. A PhD thesis must offer an original contribution to knowledge in the field of business and management,  international affairs. 

Postgraduate students on our PhD programme are first enrolled on a Probationary PhD Status. At the end of the first year, after a review of their proposal, the decision is made on the conversion to Full PhD Status.

Entry requirements

  • The first or second class, upper division Master's degree.
  • A detailed research plan and one letter of recommendation by an academic, familiar with your work. Please attach these to your online application.
  • Sufficient English skills and academic knowledge that the IBS Research Officer checks with an Orientation Interview.
  • Sufficient familiarity with the academic field your proposed research project belongs to, confirmed by the IBS Research Officer during an Orientation Interview, conducted via Skype.


Guide to writing a research proposal

Academic Referee's Report

If you wish to apply, please fill in our online electronic application form and upload your Master’s degree with official English translation, your passport copy and English language certificate (if you have one). Please attach your detailed research plan and one academic referee’s report to your online application. 

Application submission

There is one intake per academic year, September. Application deadline is 15 April.

Additional Information for third-country nationals

Prospective students from outside the EU are required by Hungarian law to obtain a residence permit for the duration of their studies. Full-time PhD students are expected to have an official address in Hungary. Attending the mandatory university courses irregularly is contrary to the regulations of the Immigration Office and may result in revoking your right to reside in the country.

Admission process with timeline for Sept intake
1. Deadline of application 15 April (complete package, submitting all necessary documents) + payment of application fee
2. PhD application liaison
2. 1) Feedback of the Research Officer (formal requirements; language skills; clear research topic) - by 15 May
2. 2) initial opinion of at least one potential supervisor
2. 3) GTA interview (if applied for, see link)
3. Validation fee payment claim will be sent to PhD candidate
4. Deadline for payment of validation fee (1200 euro) - 10 June
5. Meeting of IBS Research Council - June
6. Decision of The University of Buckingham - 1 July
7.A Candidate is informed
7.A a. positive decision
7.A tuition fee payment claim will be sent to PhD candidate
7.A deadline for tuition fee payment (minus validation fee) - 15 July
7.A b. waiting list
7.A c. negative decision
7.A validation fee refunded
7.B If accepted from waiting list, deadline for notification
7.B If accepted from waiting list, deadline for tuition fee payment
7.C Accepted for current intake, but requested deferral, deadline of tuition fee payment