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PhD Scholarship - Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA)

The IBS PhD Scholarship is for those enrolled PhD students who teach on regular modules at IBS. GTAs normally act as seminar tutors at the BSc level after the successful completion of their first annual review exam – but there may be exceptions to this general rule based on academic and/or industry expertise.


As applicants have to be enrolled on the PhD Programme at IBS, during their selection fulfilment of the requirements of the PhD Programme and their progress must take precedence over their potential appointment as GTAs. Upon the applicant’s successful fulfilment of the criteria for admission to the PhD Programme, their potential role as tutors, if they indicate their wish to be considered for such a role, will be investigated by the Centre for Academic Services.

PhD students normally have the opportunity to become a GTA and teach from semester 3, but this is not guaranteed and is dependent upon a successful demo teaching session once on location in Budapest.

The decision about appointment to GTA status, based on the applicant's teaching and professional skills, will be made by the Rector upon the respective proposal of the Head of Academic Services.


GTAs undertake the duty to participate at teacher training beyond and above their duty to partake in workshops as PhD students as and when deemed necessary by the Head of Academic Services.


To be able to proceed with their PhD, GTAs normally teach between 4 to 8 hours (i.e. 45-minute classes) a week and fulfil all other related duties of marking and administration as and when necessary. Typically, one day a week should be the target but IBS cannot guarantee this number of classes for everyone for each semester of their studies.

GTAs who have been upgraded to PhD Candidate status (typically following their first Annual Review) may once during their studies phase their teaching (i.e. ask for their teaching to be allocated to one semester) so that they can be away from IBS doing field research during the other semester. This is not automatic but has to be requested in writing and is dependent on the approval of the Head of Academic Services.


For teaching GTAs to receive a grant. The grant is deducted from the GTA’s initial tuition fee payment as a tuition fee discount.

45-min classes of teaching per week Grant
2 20%
4 40%
6 60%
8 80%