IBS Budapest

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In 2022, we announced IBS World Tour, the English Trivia competition in collaboration with Emirates. The competition is open to Hungarian secondary school students in their final year and in their 11th grade. The format of the competition is as follows: students will have to complete a 100-question quiz and write an essay in the first round. The 10 best candidates will progress to the second round where they have to proceed with a quiz that consists of 100 questions followed by a presentation. Both rounds will take place on the IBS campus. The top three winners will win a trip with different conditions.


The first round was held on 18 March 2022, when more than 200 students from all over Hungary participated.


The second round took place on 22 April 2022 on campus.


The official award ceremony was on 27 May 2022.



  • The 1st place winner was Domonkos Varga, who spent one week in New Zealand with her sister.
  • The 2nd place winner, Rozi Szabó spent a 1-week trip in London with her friend. Check out her journey here.
  • The 3rd place winner, Péter Gáspár had a lovely time in Iceland with his dad. Don't miss out on his travelouge.
  • Domonkos' high school won the special prize of 1.000.000 Ft. His class spent the money on a trip to Paris. (Check it out.)

Besides that, all finalists (TOP 11) received a scholarship opportunity for IBS International Business School's British bachelor's programmes

Results of the 1st and 2nd rounds:

Thank you to all the participants who attended the first round of our competition. Congratulations to the top 10 (11!) students!

Results after the 1st round
Name Institution
Boldizsár Andacs ELTE Radnóti Miklós Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gyakorló Gimnázium, Budapest
Péter Gáspár Xántus János Két Tanítási Nyelvű Gimnázium, Budapest
Gábor Kocsis Soproni Széchenyi István Gimnázium, Sopron
Máté Kollár Petőfi Sándor Gimnázium, Budapest
Balázs Komáromi Apáczai Csere János Gyakorló Gimnázium, Budapest
Rozi Szabó ELTE - Apáczai Csere János Gyakorló Gimnázium, Budapest
Soma Szabó Szent István Gimnázium, Budapest
Zsolt László Szabó Tatabányai Árpád Gimnázium, Tatabánya
Bence Szőcs Budaörsi Illyés Gyula Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium és Technikum, Budaörs
Kristóf Urbancsok Horváth Mihály Gimnázium, Szentes
Domonkos Pál Varga Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium, Budapest
The final results
Place Name Presentation*
(max: 100 points)
(max: 100 points)
(max: 200 points)
1st Domonkos
Pál Varga
96 60 156
2nd Rozi Szabó 90 53 143
3rd Péter Gáspár 81 60 141
4th Balázs Komáromi 83 57 140
5th Kristóf
95,5 42 137,5
6th Gábor Kocsis 77,5 56 133,5
7th Boldizsár Andacs 82 49 131
8th Zsolt
László Szabó
78,5 49 127,5
9th Bence Szőcs 55 72 127
10th Máté
54 51 105

*The presentations were evaluated on the basis of the content, the structure, the English language skills and the presentation skills.

More information via email: ibsworldtour@ibsbudapest.com.

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The first place winner, Domonkos Varga

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The second place winner, Rozi Szabó was not able to join us. Her mother represented her during the ceremony.

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The third place winner, Péter Gáspár

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Ms. Panna Domonkos, the school representative of Budapest - Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium with Mr Gábor Horváth (Country Manager of Emirates in Hungary) and Mr László Lendvai (Head of Marketing and Admissions at IBS)

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Ms. Katalin Fabiny, the assisting teacher of the winner of the IBS World Tour trivia competition and Mr László Lendvai, the Head of Marketing and Admissions