IBS Budapest

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Frequently Asked Questions

Job search

How should I start the job search?

First of all, spend some time investigating your strength and weaknesses, discover what skills and capabilities the market demands, and specify your personal goals. If you put all these pieces of information in three circles, the intersection where they overlap should give some indication about your dream job. Then, start looking for matching open positions. Once you have found a couple of interesting ads, get down to write a strong CV and motivation letter.

What platforms should I use to search?

The #1 platform we recommend our students and alumni to use is TalentNet – our own career platform. Of course, there are numerous other sources of information out there such as LinkedIn, DreamJobs, Profession.hu. We also work with some of the major recruiter companies so for specific advice get in touch with the Career Office.

What should I do if I am looking for a job for long and I am still struggling to find one?

Reach out to the Career Office – we do our best to help our students find their way on the job market. Drop an e-mail to: careeroffice@ibs-b.hu


What exactly is placement?

A placement (for BSc students only) is a semester dedicated entirely to an internship at a company or organization – so that our students graduate from IBS not just with an excellent degree but also with tangible work experience earned from the job market. Students usually take up the Placement Module in their third year of study, in the autumn semester.

Who is responsible for securing a placement?

Internships are typically arranged through the students themselves, but IBS’ Career Office provides a range of services to make the job hunt easier.

Why are placements useful?

IBS encourages its students to secure an internship during their studies so that they can have an early start to their career. Research shows that the soft skills gained during an internship make it easier to get hired after graduation. Needless to say, recruiters appreciate any previous work experiences in the case of fresh graduates.  70% of IBS graduates land great jobs usually within three months of graduation (22% within 6 months), manage to negotiate a very good salary and work in fields matching their qualifications and interests.

Can I go to Erasmus instead of the placement?

Yes, sure. BSc students in their third year of study have the option to choose whether they want to go for a placement, participate in an Erasmus+ study abroad programme, or take up a CSR module.

The company I am going to work at is not a strategic partner of IBS. Is that a problem?

Our students usually work at the company or organization of their choice. We require prior notification before signing any placement agreement, though. The lack of a strategic partnership with IBS is usually not an obstacle to employment. Should this employer choose to become a partner with us, we will be more than happy to arrange for a partnership. With any questions write to careeroffice@ibs-b.hu

How long should my internship be?

A placement should be at least 12 weeks, 30 hrs per week long, and it should fall within the semester when the student took up the Placement Module. In exceptional cases, the 12 week minimum can come from two various employments but such cases must be approved in advance.  As long as they prioritize their studies, our students can work also alongside or between their studies (in the summer).

Strategic Partnership

Who are the strategic partners of IBS?

Up until now IBS has secured a strategic partnership with over 80 corporate and organisational entities. For more click HERE.

How can we become a strategic partner of IBS?

With any requests about strategic partnership please send an e-mail to careeroffice@ibs-b.hu


What alumni programmes are there at IBS?

Currently we are reshaping our alumni strategy to come up with a comprehensive pool of services soon. In the meantime, feel free to join our LinkedIn Alumni Group and get in touch by sending an e-mail to alumni@ibs-b.hu

If I received a degree from the University of Buckingham, can I join their alumni community?

Sure! If you wish to they would be very happy for you to join their alumni community. Included in the benefits are regular updates from Buckingham via their e-newsletter (bi-monthly), and on their social media pages – LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

These pages give you the opportunity to interact with other Buckingham alumni. This has helped many with opportunities for networking, careers and also for support when travelling, either for work or holiday.

The Alumni Office itself is also here to help and support you and you may contact them on alumni@buckingham.ac.uk at any time with a request. Due to GDPR they cannot, of course, give out contact details for any of their alumni, but they can help send messages on your behalf and relay the answer.

Should you wish to be a part of the Buckingham alumni community, please sign up on their “Update Your Details” form here.